Common problems and solutions in IT project management

In this article, several common project implementation and management errors will be listed to help you compare, measure and improve.

Common problems and solutions in IT project management

In this article, several common project implementation and management errors will be listed to help you compare, measure and improve.

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The effectiveness of project management is directly related to the success of the entire project.

In general, most of the IT department’s errors in project management are caused by improper planning or poor communication. These errors have severely reduced the probability of project success. In this article, several common project implementation and management errors will be listed to help you compare, measure and improve.

  1. Lack of experienced project managers

Impact: Without an experienced project manager at the helm, the project is likely to lose control as it develops.

Suggestion: hire a project manager who meets the project requirements and has excellent interpersonal skills. He should have a charisma, be able to manage risk, and coordinate between team members and external participants. In addition, an excellent project manager should also have relevant technical knowledge and skills.

  1. Failure to follow the standard project management process

Impact: This is the second most common mistake in project management. The lack of a reasonable process will increase the risk of the project, increase the possibility of failure, and ultimately lead to the inability to complete the project within the limited time and budget.

Suggestion: Develop a good project management process can help you improve project efficiency, and timely capture various problems in the project implementation process, hence control risks.

IT and project managers should establish a repeatable process in advance for project planning, resource allocation, and communication with members. Only in this way can the return and effectiveness of the project be guaranteed.

  1. Lack of understanding of project dynamics

Impact: Peter Drucker, a Master of Management, once said that if you can’t manage, you can’t measure. When it turns to the project, that is, unable to coordinate resources in time, or respond to changes, then you can well measure it.

Suggestion: use software. No code Project management software such as Yeeflow can give you the most direct view you want in the project.

  1. Lack of communication with project supporters and participants

Impact: IT cannot meet the expected requirements.

Suggestion: While delivering key written documents and forms, explain it face-to-face, and explain the main points concisely in a way that the other party can understand (some businesspeople do not understand long-form technical terms).

In this kind of communication and interaction, the company’s business analysts actually play a very important coordinating role between users and IT. Yeeflow recommends to provide a project overview (from planning to deployment) to all business members participating in the project or affected by the project, and to indicate those activities that require business personnel to participate in the interaction and the purpose of the interaction. In short, IT should spend more time to guide the business department to understand the steps of project execution.

Last Updated
October 25, 2023

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