Updates to jumpstart your productivity this August!

We are continuing to work on great new features, to empower the capabilities of build powerful business applications.Here are some of the most recent updates from Yeeflow.

Updates to jumpstart your productivity this August!

We are continuing to work on great new features, to empower the capabilities of build powerful business applications.Here are some of the most recent updates from Yeeflow.

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We are continuing to work on great new features, to empower the capabilities of build powerful business applications.

Here are some of the most recent updates from Yeeflow.

1. The new approval form and form report for custom apps

The main features in this release are bring the “Approval Forms” and “Form Reports” to custom applications. Now, you can create the forms and reports from the app’s component list.

1) Approval form: can be used to create online form with workflow, like a purchase order form and the related approval process.

2) Form report: to create multiple reports of an approval form, with customized fields, filter and access permissions.

By leveraging the new form and report, you can create all required functions in one application. For example, you can build an HR system, which might includes:

Data Lists: Employee Directory, Recruitment Arrangement, Positions, Departments etc.

Approval Forms / Reports: Employee Onboard, Offboard, Leave request etc.

Document Library: HR Policy, templates (with folders/files) etc.

Dashboard: Including the charts, summary, pivot table etc, for employee related information analysis.

2. Approval tasks inside in apps

For each app which has the approval tasks configured in approval forms or data lists, A new menu will be displayed called “Approvals”. It includes 3 sub menus – Pending tasks, claim tasks and completed tasks.

All the tasks generated in this app will show in the lists. The task owners can approve the pending tasks from inside in the app.

3. System Settings Update

We updated the UI layout of system settings home page to make it more user friendly.

And one of the main update is: the “workflow settings” has been moved to the system settings, which was in the left menu of the Yeeflow home page. This will help the System Admin to better manage all the settings in one page.

4. Delete the workflow definitions and workflow instances

In the recent update, we allows the system admin to delete a workflow instance or a workflow definition.

The workflow instance is like a submitted form from one user (like after a user submitted a leave request, a workflow instance for this submission will be generated. Delete a workflow instance will also delete the related tasks and related history records etc.

The workflow definition is one single workflow, like a Leave Request workflow. Delete a workflow definition will delete the definition, the previous versions, and the related workflow instance etc.

To delete a workflow instance, go to the workflow settings -> workflow instance, select the workflow instance, and click the operation menu, then click delete.

To delete a wrokflow definition, go to the workflow settings -> workflow definition, selete the workflow definition, and click the opetion menu, then click delete.

5. Other updates

There are also other updates and enhancements included in the recent release, like a better rich text control to give you the better user experience for contents editing. And the improvement for the error messages for workflow designer etc. Please kindly feel free to have a try.

Last Updated
September 23, 2023

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